Monday 29 October 2007

is this a good idea?

hmmm another profile type contraption to add to the legions of my bebo, facebook, lj and myspace accounts... you'd think i'd have learned by now.

basically just joined so i could reply to darkufo. FACT. i'd be what you'd describe as a nerdy lost analysing person. i like to blame my studying media at college (DCU BABY!), but it's really just cos i'm a gigantic geek.

a brief introduction of myself to all the non-readers of this blog.

HI! Name's maeve mcquillan, from dublin, ireland. yes that is really my name. 18 years old... finally allowed a legal drink! not in america though. i'd hate to be 18 there...

i have never used the expression "top of the morning to you!" in my life, but i will on request. just thought i'd put that out there. i'm also not retarded when it comes to punctuation, i just like the look of lower case better.

what do you say to no one? YOU SUCK! yeah you're never gonna read that so i can't get in trouble.

that's enough procrastinating. back to my psychology assignment, due tomorrow. DEATH IS UPON ME. (or alternatively an all nighter plus wikipedia, psychology today and a cup of tea)

peace out. maeve x (i'm a girl by the way! apparently my name is gender-ambiguous... greeeeeeat)